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05/01/2016 - Road deaths in 2015 are second lowest in over 50 years

Ireland is making progress in road safety. Countless lives have been saved through widespread changes in driver behaviour, however, there is still a long way to go. 165 lives were lost on the roads in 2015, each one of them a tragedy.


Figures show that 165 people lost their lives in 2015, compared to 193 in 2014, the second lowest number of road deaths since records began in 1959.


Unfortunately 11 people died on Donegal roads in 2015, 5 Drivers, 2 Passengers, 2 Cyclists and 2 Pedestrians, compared to 9 in 2014. An average of 14 people every month lost their lives on Ireland’s roads in 2015. The statistics show that there were 28 fewer deaths compared to 2014, which has to be welcomed, but 165 deaths is still much too high.


It is hard to say that 2015 was a success when so many people died as a result of road traffic collisions but statistics are the only way to compare the number of deaths on our roads each year and it is important to know that progress is being made in relation to road safety and the change in road users behaviour is making a difference.


Brian O’Donnell. Road Safety Officer stated, “The most frightening figure is that of the drivers killed, 20 were not wearing a seatbelt and 9 passengers killed had not got their seatbelt on.


A large number, despite the horrific consequences are still ignoring the dangers of not wearing a seatbelt. It seems incredible that after years of public education, including the use of graphic television advertisements that people will still travel in a car and not put on their seatbelt.  If we can learn from these tragic figures and every safety measure is taken when using the road including slow down, wear your seatbelt, never use a mobile phone while driving, never drink and drive and by wearing high visibility clothing, road fatalities will fall”. 


It should never be forgotten that behind every figure and statistic are real tragedies and real victims with real lives lost.


Road safety is not issue for the authorities alone. Each one of us who use our roads can make a difference and should take a moment to reflect on how we use the roads and whether or not we could improve our driving and ensure that we do not become another bleak statistic — or the cause of one.


Every road user should ensure to do all they can to keep the graph moving in the right direction so that 2016 will be a safer year on our roads.





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